#                       LINDO-API
#                    Sample Programs
#                  Copyright (c) 2001-2002
#         LINDO Systems, Inc.           312.988.7422
#         1415 North Dayton St.         info@lindo.com
#         Chicago, IL 60622             http://www.lindo.com

  File   : ex_iis.ox
  Purpose: Analyzing an infeasible LP using the LSfindIIS() function.


/* LINDO API header file is located under lindoapi\ox */

MyCallback( const pMod, const nLocation, const pMyData)

/* Display current iteration count and objective value */
      decl nIter;
      decl dObj, dInf;
      println( "In MyCallback Location=", nLocation, ": Iters=", nIter, ", Obj=", dObj, " Pinf=", dInf);

   return( 0);

 /* main entry point */
   decl nErrorCode;
   /* model data objects */
   decl n; /* number of variables */
   decl m; /* number of constraints */
   decl solstatus;/*solution status (see lindo.h for possible values)*/
   decl prep_level;
   decl mpsfile = "";

   /* IIS related data objects */
   decl nLevel,   /* level of analysis */
       nSuf_r,   /* number of sufficient rows     */
       nSuf_c,   /* number of sufficient columns  */
       nIIS_r,   /* number of rows in the IIS     */
       nIIS_c;   /* number of columns in the IIS  */
   decl aiRows = <>, /* index set of rows in the IIS     */
       aiCols = <>, /* index set of columns in the IIS  */
       anBnds = <>; /* bound type of columns in the IIS */
   decl j;
   decl bndtype, oufname, varname;

   /* declare an instance of the LINDO environment object */
   decl pEnv;
   /* declare an instance of the LINDO model object */
   decl pModel;
    * Init: Command prompt calling sequence
   decl argv = arglist();
   decl argc = sizeof(argv);
   if (argc == 1)
     print("\nUsage: oxl ex_iis filename\n\n");
   else if (argc == 2)
     mpsfile = argv[1];
   * Step 1: Create a LINDO environment. MY_LICENSE_KEY in licence.h
   * must be defined using the key shipped with your software.
   pEnv = OxLScreateEnv();

    * Step 2: Create a model in the environment.
   pModel = LScreateModel ( pEnv, &nErrorCode);
   LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);

    * Step 3: Read the model from an MPS file and
   nErrorCode = LSreadMPSFile(pModel,mpsfile,LS_UNFORMATTED_MPS);
   if (nErrorCode != LSERR_NO_ERROR)
     print("\n\tBad MPS format... Trying LINDO format.");
     nErrorCode = LSreadLINDOFile(pModel,mpsfile);
     LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);
     print("\n\tLINDO format OK!\n\n");
     print("\n\tMPS format OK!\n\n");
   nErrorCode = LSgetInfo(pModel, LS_IINFO_NUM_VARS, &n);
   LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);

   nErrorCode = LSgetInfo(pModel, LS_IINFO_NUM_CONS, &m);
   LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);

    * Step 4: Set Model parameters
   /* Turn off the LP preprocessor. This is required if the model
   is infeasible and the user wishes to debug it. */
   nErrorCode = LSgetModelIntParameter(pModel,LS_IPARAM_SPLEX_PREP,
   LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);
   if (prep_level > 0)
     print("\tThe LP presolver is ON. Turning it OFF...\n\n");

   nErrorCode = LSsetModelIntParameter(pModel,LS_IPARAM_SPLEX_PREP,0);
   LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);

   nErrorCode = LSsetCallback( pModel, MyCallback, 0);
   LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);

    * Step 5: Optimize the model
   nErrorCode = LSoptimize( pModel,LS_METHOD_FREE, &solstatus);
   LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);

    if (solstatus == LS_STATUS_INFEASIBLE)
      print("\tThe model is infeasible. Debugging with LSfindIIS()..\n\n");
    else if (solstatus == LS_STATUS_UNBOUNDED)
      print("\tThe model is unbounded. Debug using LSfindIUS()...\n\n");
    else if (solstatus == LS_STATUS_BASIC_OPTIMAL)
      print("\tThe model is solved to optimality.\n");

    nErrorCode = LSgetInfo(pModel,LS_IINFO_STATUS, &solstatus);
    LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);

    * Step 6: Invoke LSfindIIS() if infeasible
    if (solstatus == LS_STATUS_INFEASIBLE)
      oufname = "findiis.ltx";

      /*** Step 6.1: Find IIS ***/
      nErrorCode = LSfindIIS(pModel,LS_NECESSARY_ROWS +
                                    LS_NECESSARY_COLS +
      LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);

	  nErrorCode = LSgetIIS(pModel,&nSuf_r,&nIIS_r,&aiRows,
      LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);

	  println("\t ***  LSfindIIS Summary ***\n");
      println("\t Number of Sufficient Rows = ",nSuf_r);
      println("\t Number of Sufficient Cols = ",nSuf_c);
      println("\t Number of Necessary  Rows = ",nIIS_r - nSuf_r);
      println("\t Number of Necessary  Cols = ",nIIS_c - nSuf_c);

      /*** Step 6.2: Display row index sets ***/
      print("\n IIS Rows\n");
      for (j=0; j 0)
          bndtype = "Lower";
          bndtype = "Upper";

        nErrorCode = LSgetVariableNamej(pModel,aiCols[j],&varname);
        LSerrorCheck(pEnv, nErrorCode);
        if (j